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Replica Gucci Jackie 1961 small shoulder bag 636706 Dark blue HY7446ec82

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Replica Gucci Jackie 1961 small shoulder bag 636706 Dark blue in our online shop are most famous which can make you become the focus of the public. In your various watch collections, Gucci replica Handbags in our online shop will meet your taste for fashion . You can wear it in any occasion. In order to meet every fashion fan, we offer 1:1 Replica Gucci Handbags. You can only spend a little part of money to enjoy the experience of the authentic.

Replica Gucci Jackie 1961 small shoulder bag 636706 Dark blue HY7446ec82


 Dark blue and ivory eco washed organic GG jacquard denim

Brown leather trim
Gold-toned hardware
Cotton linen lining
Inserts contain leather made through an alternative metal or chrome free tanning process, reducing the environmental footprint compared to traditional methods.
Interior: 1 open pocket and 1 zipper pocket
This style is sold with an additional shoulder strap which can be attached to the bag with a buckle closure
Handle: 7" strap drop from central hole, handle with additional shoulder strap: 20.5" drop from central hole
Piston closure
Small size: 11"W x 7.5"H x 1.8"D
Weight: .5kg
Made in Italy
The model is 5'8" tall
Replica  Gucci Comes with serial numbers, authenticity card, dust bag and care booklet

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